Request an age rating for a film

How to request an age rating for an unclassified film or to reclassify a film.

Film classification is the process of giving age ratings and content advice to films and other audio-visual content. This helps children and families choose what’s right for them and avoid what’s not. 

We can give an age rating to a film that does not already have one. 

If a film has not been classified by the BBFC, it must not be shown in public until it has been classified it. A typical example of this would be a locally made film to be shown at a local film festival. 

How to apply for a classification

If you're a film maker or promoter, you can apply to either: 

We can accept the following film formats:

  • MP4
  • TS
  • AVI 

To apply, please contact us:


Classification fees

The fee is £170 for each film. If you give us less than 28 days notice, the fee is £245.