Animal welfare licences

Apply for an animal welfare licence, including licences for dog and cat boarding, selling animals as pets, dog breeding and hiring out horses.

Apply for a dangerous wild animal licence

A licence is required for anybody wishing to keep a dangerous wild animal, as defined by the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976 –

The only time a dangerous wild animal licence is not required is if the animal is kept in a zoo, circus or pet shop.

View a list of wild animals considered to be dangerous –

How to apply

To apply please contact us:

Telephone: 01483 755 855

Licence conditions

The licence requires the owner to keep the animal in suitable and safe conditions, for the welfare of the animal and protection of the public.

Premises must be inspected by a veterinary officer before a licence can be granted.

Licences can be refused or issued subject to specific conditions, including:

  • requirements that they will not be moved from the licensed premises (unless allowed for in the licence)
  • the licence holder must be insured against liability
  • restrictions on the species and number of animals to be kept

If a dangerous wild animal is being kept without a licence or in contravention of a licence condition, we may seize the animal and retain it, destroy it or otherwise dispose of it.