Gambling and lottery permits

Apply for a club gaming or a club machine permit, a gaming machine permit in a family entertainment centre or a licensed premises, a small society lottery permit and a prize gaming permit.

Gaming machine permit – family entertainment centre

Premises which are entirely or mainly used for making gaming machines available for use, such as small arcades, are known as family entertainment centres (FEC). 

An FEC, under the Gambling Act 2005, may hold an FEC gaming machine permit. 

Category D machines

Unlicensed FECs are able to offer category D machines if they obtain a gaming machine permit from us. 

Any number of category D machines can be made available with this permit. This is subject to non-gambling considerations, such as fire regulations and health and safety.

Read more about gaming machine categories – Gambling Commission.

Permit fees

Your permit will last 10 years. To renew your permit, you need to follow the same process as applying for a new one.

View our licensing fees and charges

How to apply

Telephone: 01483 755 855