Standards of service for taxi and private hire drivers

The standards of service you should expect from licensed taxi drivers and private hire drivers and how to make a complaint.

We expect all taxi drivers and private hire drivers working in and around Woking to provide a high standard of service at all times. 

Drivers must:

  • wear an identification badge with their badge number, photo and expiry date visible on it – they must wear this at all times whilst working and must show it upon request if not visible
  • be presentable, polite and courteous
  • take you to your destination by the most direct possible route, unless you ask otherwise
  • charge no more than the fare shown on the meter, or the fare agreed before your journey starts and provide a receipt upon request
  • not allow other passengers to share the taxi without your agreement, or carry more passengers than the number for which the vehicle is licensed
  • when requested, give all reasonable assistance in helping you into and out of the vehicle, and with loading and unloading your luggage
  • not play music, eat or drink in the vehicle without your permission
  • not smoke in the vehicle at all
  • carry guide, hearing and other assistance dogs free of charge
  • not use their mobile phone while driving
  • maintain the vehicle in a roadworthy and clean condition, with a current licence plate fixed to the rear, and a double-sided internal plate fixed in the front windscreen


If you've had a good journey or your driver has gone out of their way to help you or make your journey pleasant, we would love to hear from you. Comments and compliments can be emailed to us. We will then let the driver know they've done a good job.



Let us know if you have been unhappy with the actions of one of our licensed drivers. All complaints are taken seriously and will be fully investigated. 

Where breaches of licensing conditions are found, action will be taken against the licence holder. 

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