What Council Tax is

What it is, how your bill is calculated, who needs to pay, how it is spent.

How we spend your Council Tax

Paying for our services in 2024 to 2025 will cost around £12.5 million. 

This amount is calculated after we have deducted:

  • fees and charges collected for our services
  • grants received from the government
  • commercial revenue collected from our property assets

We expect to receive £12.2 million in Council Tax payments for our services.

Our services spend, income and budget for 2024 to 2025 
Service areas Spend (£million) Income (£million) Budget (£million)
Environmental quality, including: environmental health, street cleansing and maintenance, waste and recycling, building control and emergency planning £8.2m £2m £6.2m
Place-making, including: planning development, planning policy and green infrastructure £2.8m £1.2m £1.6m
Parking, including: car park management and maintenance £4.3m £7.6m -£3.3m
Community support, including: centres for the community, community safety and voluntary sector £1.5m £0.5m £1m
Health and wellbeing, including: arts, heritage and culture, health and wellbeing and leisure services £3.5m £1.4m £2.1m
Housing, including: council housing, homelessness and housing £5.7m £2.7m £3m
Independent living, including: personal alarms, community meals, home adaptations, home support and sheltered housing £1.7m £1.1m £0.6m
Democratic services, including: corporate administration, civic duties, elections and governance £5.4m £0.1m £5.3m
Customer support, including: housing benefits, Council Tax, licensing, revenue collection and customer service £2.8m £1.5m £1.3m
Property services, including: estate management, commercial property services, engineering and maintenance £8.7m £14m -£5.3m
Totals £44.6m £32.1m £12.5m