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The smoke-free workplace, accidents in the workplace, cooling towers.
Employers, and other people in charge of work premises, have a legal duty to report and keep records of:
This is governed by the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR) – Health and Safety Executive.
An accident could be anything that causes injury. This is whether it happened at work or came about as a result of a work activity.
Accidents themselves do not have to be reported but the injuries which result from an accident do. So, if there is an accident in which no one suffers any injury, there is no need to report it.
Incidents that need reporting include:
Report a health and safety incident – Health and Safety Executive
When appropriate we will simply give advice to the employer to stop an incident happening again. If we identify a definite breach as the main reason for an accident, we will take formal action.
Our accident report may be used in court if someone who has been injured as a result of a work-related accident pursues a compensation claim.
All businesses must keep a record of reported accidents. You must comply with the privacy requirements of the Data Protection Act.