The Licensing Act 2003 and licence applications

Have your say about a licence application, representations, objections and appeals, advertise new applications, responsible authorities, request a review of a premises licence or a club premises certificate.

Licensing policy and the 4 licensing objectives

Under the Licensing Act 2003 – businesses can apply for a:

These licences cover the:

  • retail sale of alcohol
  • supply of alcohol by or on behalf of a club to a member or guest
  • provision of regulated entertainment (including live music, theatre, cinema and indoor sport)
  • provision of late night refreshment (between 11pm and 5am)

You can also individually apply for a:

The 4 licensing objectives

We always consider licence applications against the 4 licensing objectives set out in the Licensing Act 2003. They are the:

  1. prevention of crime and disorder
  2. prevention of public nuisance
  3. promotion to public safety
  4. protection of children from harm

For more information on the decision making process and the 4 licensing objectives, read our licensing policy.

Licensing policy 2021 to 2026 (PDF, 1.21 MB)