Welcome to our new website
We've launched new webpages for benefits, Council Tax, business rates, licences and permits. Please tell us what you think by giving us your feedback.
To go to all other council services, visit www.woking.gov.uk
Have your say about a licence application, representations, objections and appeals, advertise new applications, responsible authorities, request a review of a premises licence or a club premises certificate.
There is a period of consultation:
We must receive your comments by the last day of the consultation period, which is 28 days. Making comments is also known as making representations.
You can comment on application for:
View current licence applications and reviews
Anyone can make a relevant representation (objection) against a licence application, but it cannot be anonymous.
We need to be satisfied that you are making the representation for legitimate purposes. It is also important that we are also able to contact you so you can respond to the representation.
If you’re concerned that you may suffer intimidation as a result of making a representation or request for a review, you can consider asking the police. You can also ask another appropriate responsible authority to make a representation on your behalf.
Your comment must relate to at least 1 of the 4 licensing objectives.
Email: licensing@woking.gov.uk
Include your:
Your comments should be:
You may wish to record any problems by keeping a diary, listing the dates, times and details of any incidents. This could include photographic or video evidence.
If the matter is referred to a hearing, the hearing representatives (locally elected councillors) will need to be satisfied that there’s a link between the representations made and the effect on the licensing objectives.
You can also suggest possible changes or compromises for the applicant to consider.
Please remember that any representation must be factually correct. It is an offence to knowingly or recklessly make a false statement in connection with an application. If convicted, the maximum fine is £5,000.
We can only consider representations or requests that are not 'vexatious' or 'frivolous'.
Once we accept your representation, we will include it in the hearing report, which is a public document. We will remove your personal contact details, such as email addresses and telephone numbers, from the published version.
Unless there are valid concerns regarding intimidation, we will send your representations to the licence holder, along with your name and address. We will not include your email address unless you specify that you prefer it to be used as the preferred method of contact.
Under the legal requirements of the Licensing Act 2003, the applicant must be given the opportunity to contact you, the objector, in order to address any concerns and, if possible, avoid the need for a licensing hearing.