Caravan site licence

Apply for a licence to operate a caravan site or mobile home park, including the fit and proper person register.


Caravan site and mobile home park licence

To use a piece of land as a caravan site or a mobile home park you must have a caravan site licence. Before we can grant this licence, the site must also have planning permission.

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Situations where a licence is not required 

A site licence is not needed when:

  • a caravan sits on land surrounding a house and its use is incidental to that house
  • a single caravan sited no longer than 2 consecutive nights (on land which caravans had not been sited for more than 28 days in the preceding 12 months)
  • up to 3 caravans on a site of not less than 5 acres (maximum of 28 days in 12 months)
  • sites occupied by exempted organisations such as the Caravan Club
  • sites of up to 5 caravans certified by an exempt organisation and which are for members only
  • sites occupied by a local authority such as gypsy and traveller sites
  • sites for temporary and special purposes such as caravan rallies, agricultural and forestry workers, building and engineering sites
  • a site for tents used for an overall maximum of 28 days in any 12 months

Fees and charges

Caravan licence fees and charges 
Type of application Fee
Annual fee: 1 to 5 pitches £108
Annual fee: 6 to 24 pitches  £172
Annual fee: 25 to 100 pitches £344
Application for a new site licence: 1 to 5 pitches £500
Application for a new site licence: 6 to 24 pitches £522
Application for a new site licence: 25 to 100 pitches £600
Vary licence: 1 to 5 pitches £332
Vary licence: 6 to 24 pitches £350
Vary licence: 25 to 100 pitches £374
Transfer licence £167
Fit and proper person application fee £428
Fit and proper person annual fee (where applicable) £158

For details on our fee policy, please contact us:


Site rules

As an operator of a residential caravan sites or mobile home park, you must deposit your site rules with us once you have completed a consultation process with the residents. 

We keep a register of all site rules we receive, including variations and deletions. 

Site rules for Warren Farm Home Park – 22 December 2014

Warren Lane
GU22 8XF

In these rules:

  • “occupier” means anyone who occupies a park home under an agreement to which the Mobile Homes Act 1983 applies.
  • “you” and “your” refers to the homeowner or other occupier of a park home
  • “we” and “our” refers to the park owner or manager.
  • The following rules are in place to ensure acceptable standards are maintained on the park which will be of general benefit to occupiers and to promote and maintain community cohesion. They form part of the Agreement by which home owners occupy the pitch in accordance with the Mobile Homes Act 1983, as amended.
  • None of these rules is to have retrospective effect, accordingly
  • They are to apply only from the date from which they take effect, which is (TBA)
  • No occupier who is in occupation on that date will be treated as being in breach due to circumstances which were in existence on that date and which would not have been a breach of rules in existence before that date.

The rules

  1. Homeowners must maintain the outside of their park home in a clean and tidy condition. Where the exterior is repainted or recovered you should use reasonable endeavours to choose a colour which is generally in keeping with other homes on the park.
  2. Wheels must not be removed nor the home repositioned without the park owner’s permission. Disconnection and removal of a park home from a plot and its replacement where applicable shall be carried out by a competent specialist contractor of your choice and at your expense.
  3. No external alteration or addition to a home or pitch is permitted without the prior permission of the park owner which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Such alterations or additions must comply with the conditions of the Site Licence as issued by the local authority.
  4. Every home must have a skirting to infill the gap between the underside of the park home and the hardstanding. It may be made from brickwork, blockwork or other non-combustible material and be constructed in a skilled and proper manner. The skirting must not be used as structural support for the home. For reasons of ventilation and safety this area underneath your home must be kept clear and not used as a storage space.
  5. Spikes for the bottom of wooden fence posts must not be used without prior consent due to the presence of underground services, namely electricity and telephone cables and gas and water mains. Consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.
  6. Manhole covers and water stopcock covers must not be covered over by patios, gravel, etc. Hard paving of pitches is permitted subject to this condition.
  7. Timber decking may only be installed in compliance with the conditions of the site licence.
  8. Rainwater from roofs and surface water from paved areas must not be discharged into the park’s sewers but instead be directed into water butts, soakaways, etc, or allowed to discharge over grass or borders where it will soak away naturally.
  9. No oil or grease should be disposed of in the park’s sewers.
  10. Public places and paths should not be littered in any way.
  11. Trees outside of the pitch may not be lopped, felled, removed or damaged in any way.
  12. External fires on the pitch including incinerators are not allowed. The use of normal domestic barbeques is permitted.
  13. Rotary type dryers should be used for drying clothes. Clothes lines are not permitted.
  14. Nothing must be done by occupiers which would put the park owner in breach of the conditions attached to their site licence issued by the local authority.
  15. You must not keep inflammable substances on the park except in quantities reasonable for domestic use.
  16. You must not keep explosive substances on the park.
  17. Storage sheds and other structures are only permitted with the written approval of the site licensing authority. Where permitted they must be of a design and size and so positioned to comply with the site licence conditions and be maintained in good repair and appearance.
  18. You are responsible for the disposal of all household, recyclable and garden waste in approved containers through the local authority service or other waste collection companies. You must not overfill containers and must place them in the approved position for the local authority or other waste companies to collect such items.
  19. Unwanted domestic appliances and/or hazardous waste must be disposed of by occupiers themselves either by taking to the local authority amenity sites or by arranging for the local authority or a suitable waste collection company to collect such items from the pitch – they will not collect from anywhere else on the park.
  20.  The deposit of any refuse on any part of the park owner’s land is strictly prohibited.
  21. You are at liberty to work individually from your home by carrying out any work of a type which does not create a nuisance to other occupiers and does not involve other staff or other workers calling at the park home or the park. You must not use the pitch or the park (or any part of the park owner’s land) for any business purpose and you must not use the pitch for the storage of stock, plant, machinery or equipment used or last used for any business purpose.
  22. Musical instruments, televisions, all forms of music players, radios and other appliances and motor vehicles must not be used to cause noise nuisance to others, especially between the hours of 10.30pm to 8.00am (9.00am on Sundays)
  23. You must not keep any pet or animal at the park home or on the pitch except those which are housed in a cage, aquarium or similar and remain at all times within your home.
  24. You must advise your visitors of this rule and ensure that any dogs remain in visitors vehicles, with due regard for the animals welfare in hot weather and with provision of sufficient water and ventilation.
  25. Nothing in this rule prevents you from keeping an assistance dog if this is required to support your disability and Assistance Dogs UK, or any successor body, has issued you with an Identification Book or other appropriate evidence.
  26. You are responsible for the sewage connection from ground level upwards and must not permit foul and wastewater to be discharged on to the ground.
  27. You must protect all external water pipes from potential frost damage.
  28. As water is not metered separately at the park home or separately charged you must not use sprinklers to water your gardens.
  29. Fire point hoses may only be used in case of emergency and not for any other purpose.
  30. You are responsible for electrical connections from the consumer unit and for gas connections from the meter. The amount of electrical current available to each home is limited to 30amps and you are advised to limit the amount of electrical appliances wherever possible e.g. no heated power showers and heating and cooking by gas rather than electricity.
  31. You will be held responsible at all times for the conduct of your visitors.
  32. Parents are expected to exercise reasonable control over their children and will be held responsible for any nuisance caused by them.
  33. All vehicles must be driven carefully on site within the displayed speed limit and must obey the one-way road system.
  34. Visitors should use the visitors’ car park.
  35. Other than for delivering goods and services, you must not park or allow parking of large commercial vehicles of any sort on the park except in the visitors car park.
  36. You must hold a current driving licence and be insured to drive any vehicle on the park.
  37. You must also ensure that any vehicle you drive on the park is taxed in accordance with the requirements of the law and is in a roadworthy condition.
  38. Disused or unroadworthy vehicles must not be kept anywhere on the park.
  39. We reserve the right to remove any vehicle which is apparently abandoned.
  40. You must not carry out the following works or repairs on the park which may cause nuisance in terms of noise, fumes or spillage of oil or fuel, eg,
    (a) Major vehicle repairs involving dismantling of part(s) of the engine
    (b) Works which involve the removal of oil or other fuels.
  41. Parking is only permitted in designated areas and not on pitches, roads or grass verges with the exception that one only motorcycle may be parked on a pitch and must be on a suitable hard standing.
  42. Vehicles must keep to allocated parking spaces.
  43. The park owner is only obliged to provide one parking space per household.
  44. Occupiers with more than one vehicle may be obliged to park their vehicle in the Visitors’ Car Park.
  45. The allocation of parking spaces will change from time to time depending on the number of occupiers requiring spaces and the allocation of second parking spaces may be withdrawn at any time.
  46. It is recommended that a fire extinguisher of the dry powder type not less than 2lbs capacity should be installed in each park home. Note : other types of fire extinguishers can be dangerous in confined spaces. Occupiers should check that they meet the requirements of their insurance policy in this regard.
  47. The chimney flue and cowl of all park homes must be kept in good repair. Sparks or objectionable smoke should not be discharged.
  48. You must not use or display guns, firearms and offensive weapons (including crossbows) on the park and you may only keep them on the pitch or in your home if you hold the appropriate licence and they are securely stored in accordance with that licence.