Industrial pollution control permit

Apply for a permit for an industrial process that may cause pollution.

Some industrial processes have the potential to cause pollution. They must have a permit to operate. 

The control of industrial emissions is done through the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016 –

Part A1, A2 and B permits

Under these regulations there are 3 permits for pollution control: 

  • Part A1 permits are regulated by the Environment Agency and cover industries thought to be the most polluting like large scale power stations – see information on A1 installations – GOV.UK  
  • Part A2 permits are regulated by us and include processes like galvanizers and brick works 
  • Part B permits are regulated by us and include processes like dry cleaning, petrol stations and crematoria 

Apply for a permit 

To apply, please contact us:

Telephone: 01483 755 855

Any permits granted are only issued under the Environmental Permitting Regulations 2016. You must still check whether you need any other permissions or licences required by other legislation, such as:

Application fees

For permit costs, go to:

After a permit is issued

Once a permit is issued, we will carry out inspections on a regular basis to make sure you maintain conditions. You will also need to pay an annual subsistence fee.

Pollution control public register

We keep a register of all permits. 

View the licensing public register