Apply for or renew a driver's licence: step by step

Includes what you need to do before you apply, essential documents and information and how to buy the application pack.

All drivers of taxis (hackney carriages) and private hire vehicles need a driver's licence. It is an offence to trade without one. 

  1. Before you apply

    Essential pre-application information, including UK driving licences, criminal convictions and local driver knowledge.

  2. Level 2 certificate

    You must pass the 'Introduction to the role of the professional taxi and private hire driver' course.

  3. Application pack

    How to buy the driver application pack.

  4. Application appointment

    Book an appointment, what you will need.

  5. Practical driving test

    Mandatory training is required.

  6. Medical report

    You must be medically fit and have a good level of vision.

  7. Knowledge test

    Take your knowledge test.

  8. Issuing a new licence

    Pay for your driver's licence before we issue your new licence.

  9. Renewals

    Renew and pay for your licence.