Change a premises licence

Change a name or an address, transfer or vary a licence, change the name of the designated premises supervisor.

Tell us about a change to your premises licence

Change the designated premises supervisor (DPS)

To change the nominated DPS, go to designated premises supervisor

Change a name or address

Change of name or address – GOV.UK

Surrender a licence

To surrender a premises licence, you need to give us notice by email. 


There is no fee and only the premises licence holder can surrender the licence.  

By surrendering the licence you agree to destroy any and all copies or previous versions of the licence. Once it is surrendered, it will lapse with immediate effect. 

If the licence is not surrendered, the licence holder will still be liable for the annual fees until it has been surrendered or transferred. 

Request a duplicate copy

If you require a duplicate copy of a certificate following loss or theft, please notify us using our payments system.

See our premises licence fees.

Pay now