Apply for or renew a pavement licence: step by step

How to apply for or renew a licence to place removable furniture outside a business, including fees and evidence you need to apply.

A pavement licence allows a business to place removable furniture, such as tables and chairs, on a pavement. The licence allows you to: 

  • sell or serve food or drink
  • allow customers to consume food or drink bought at the premises

Trading without a licence is a criminal offence.

  1. Before you apply

    Businesses that are eligible to apply and the types of street furniture that you can use. 

  2. Submit an application

    Includes application fees and the evidence you need to submit.

  3. After you apply

    How we process your application, advertising notices and the public consultation.

  4. Make a comment

    How to make a comment on a licence application and have your say.

  5. Renewals

    How to renew a pavement licence.

  6. Licence conditions

    The terms and conditions for a pavement licence.