Licensing conditions for a private hire operator licence

The licence conditions for a private hire operator licence, including how bookings must be taken.

As a licensed private hire operator, you must comply with all the licence conditions. Any point we may ask you to prove your compliance.  

A licence is issued for 12 months and must be renewed before it expires. 

Licensed private hire drivers

There are no restrictions on the number of vehicles and drivers that can be operated under this licence.

A licensed private hire driver cannot accept any bookings unless they hold or work for a licensed private hire operator. Licensed private hire drivers are must be sent to customers using radios or computerised systems.

Standard conditions attached to the issue of a private hire operator licence

These notes are for guidance only and are not a complete summary of the Act.

The operator shall keep (in permanent and easily legible form) a record of the following particulars in respect of every booking of a private hire vehicle operated by him, whether the booking is effected directly with the hirer or undertaken at the request of another operator:

  1. the date and time of the booking
  2. the date and time of commencement of the journey
  3. the name of the hirer
  4. the place or places at which the passenger or passengers were collected
  5. the place or places at which the passenger or passengers were set down
  6. the private hire vehicle licence number of the vehicle used
  7. the name and licence number of the driver
  8. the fare charged and whether or not calculated by means of a meter

The operator shall keep in permanent and easily legible form a record of the following particulars of every private hire vehicle operated by him:

  1. the make
  2. the model
  3. the registration mark
  4. the private hire vehicle licence number
  5. the expiry date of the private hire vehicle
  6. the District Council who issued the private hire vehicle licence
  7. the proprietor of the vehicle
  8. a service history of each vehicle including details of any modifications thereto and details of all accident repairs

The operator shall notify Woking Borough Council of any material change in the circumstances on the basis of which the licence was granted. In particular the operator must inform the Council of:

  1. any change of place of business or any additional place of business
  2. if the operator is a Company, any change in the address of the registered office
  3. any change in the nature of the business carried on by him
  4. any change in the composition of the firm if a partnership
  5. any convictions recorded against the operator or a partner of his
  6. any other change in the information given by the operator to the Council at the time of granting the current licence
  7. details of all staff connected with running of operator’s licence

Notification must be given in writing within 14 days of the event.

No advertising material, letter headings or other stationery, or any business name used by the operator, shall include the words ‘taxi’ or ‘cab’ whether in the singular or plural and whether they form part of another word or not.

When a booking is accepted for a private hire vehicle to be present at a particular time and place, the operator shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that such a vehicle is so present.

The operator shall ensure that all vehicles used by him and all drivers employed by or contracted to him are properly licensed and the conditions attached to those licences are complied with at all times.

The operator shall keep a copy of driver and vehicle licences and insurance details.

Important notice

The above conditions are additional to the requirements of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976. Licence holders are required to be fully conversant with the relevant requirements of this Act but the most important are summarised below:

(i) no operator shall operate any vehicle in a controlled district as a private hire vehicle unless both vehicle and driver are correctly licensed under the Act. (Section 46)

(ii) an operator who accepts a booking for a private hire vehicle is liable under the contract for its hire whether or not he himself provides the vehicle. (Section 56(1))

(iii) the particulars required to be kept under conditions 1 and 2 must be produced to an authorised Officer of the Council or to a Police Officer when required (Section 56(2) and (3), as must this licence. Section 56(4)).

Conditions attached to the display of door signs on private hire vehicles

It shall be the responsibility of the operator to ensure that all private hire vehicles under his control display the door signs in accordance with the conditions below:

(i) the sign shall be displayed on the front doors of the private hire vehicle only

(ii) the sign shall only give details of the name, address and telephone number of the private hire company from which the licensee obtains his clients

(iii) the word ‘taxi’ or ‘cab’ whether in the singular or the plural should not form part of the sign

(iv) the proprietor should be able to easily remove the sign should the vehicle’s licence be suspended, revoked or not renewed, and he shall be responsible for its removal

(v) the proprietor shall submit for the approval of the Council the proposals for the sign prior to its display

(vi) these signs are compulsory.

You are further advised that:

  1. to operate a private hire vehicle is to make provision in the course of business for the invitation or acceptance of bookings for it
  2. this licence is granted to a particular person and cannot be sold or transferred. Therefore, for example, a new owner of the business must apply for a new licence
  3. the carrying on of a business may need planning permission. Operators must comply with all relevant legislation.