Apply for or renew a taxi or private hire vehicle licence: step by step

Includes vehicle specifications, vehicle inspections, ultra low emission vehicles, who can apply and fees.

Once you've been issued with a driver's licence, you must apply for a vehicle licence. It is illegal for a licensed driver to operate without a vehicle licence. 

To ensure the safety of the public, we only issue licences to vehicles which meet our safety, environmental and accessibility specifications.  

All our licensed drivers are required to know and follow the standards set out in our taxi and private hire licensing handbook.

  1. Vehicle specifications

    Vehicle specifications for taxis, private hire vehicles and wheelchair accessible vehicles.

  2. Vehicle inspections

    The requirements for vehicle inspections for taxi and private hire licence applications and renewals. 

  3. Ultra low emission vehicle requirements

    ULEV requirements for all vehicles.

  4. Submit an application

    How to apply, including evidence you must submit.

  5. Renewals

    How to renew your vehicle licence, including when to renew and what evidence you must submit.